What is your number one dream? What is your all-consuming dream, the dream that keeps you up at night, the screaming dream that drowns out all others? As heirs with Christ filled with the Holy Spirit it ought to be to glorify God by enjoying Him and being made like Him, a three part dream from the awesome triune God.

Sometimes we stray from keeping this main thing the main thing, and when we replace the best thing for good things we exchange the worship of the one true God for our own personal idols. In a school setting this easily happens when knowledge is elevated above transformation and understanding above appreciation and skills above character. This can also happen if your dream for your child is to attain a career over character, information above integrity, or mathematics above morals. If this is the case, know you are straying from the main thing and erecting false idols for you and your children.

It breaks my heart when children prefer to lie, cheat and steal to gain higher marks, or complain, half try or give up on something difficult when the going gets tough. Where is their good courage?

God told Joshua to “be strong and of good courage.” (Joshua 1:9) If weakness of attitude leads to weakness of character and weakness of character leads to weakness of courage then we must cultivate good attitudes to develop good character in order to have good courage. Each of us need “idols of the heart” checks to reestablish our number one dream which just happens to be God’s best for us. Attending the funeral service of an alumni family’s grandmother this weekend I was amazed with her life of strength and courage. Because of that strength and courage in the LORD, she left an astounding LEGACY. What will be your legacy?