While at the Sayers Classical Academy in Louisville, Kentucky I bought a great book on modesty written by one of their office staff, Heather Thienemen called Whats up with the Fig Leaves. I had not read much specifically on this subject so this was a great reading on this area. Heather had a helpful perspective on the ways we view modesty. Do we view modesty like brownies or brussel sprouts? Is it something we delight in or do because we know we have to?

In our day and age when there are widely differing perspectives regarding modesty within the church I am thankful for schools like ours’ which have uniforms and policies which speak to the topic of modesty. I am not sure everyone views uniforms more like brownies than brussel sprouts or modesty as a reminder of the provision of Christ’s righteousness to meet our desperate need, but it is none the less healthy to talk with one another about human beauty and God’s purposes for the gifts He has given us.