Our heavenly Father commissions earthly fathers with the responsibility to protect and nurture their wife and children regardless of the many actors vying to replace him. As I write, our politicians and government bureaucracies continue their aggressive march to usurp the fathers role to care for his family. If all this isnt alarming enough, then maybe you have bought into the lie of some secular sacred divide?

Christians need to recover the God given sphere sovereignty for the family, for the church, and for the state. We should also refuse to allow state creep into the family and church domains. Father protection and care trumps state protection and care. The love and instruction of the father is better than the love and instruction of the state. We are told that the state has our best interests at heart. Even if that were so, it is not their God ordained role or responsibility. Christians need to be actively reversing the satanic role reversals taking place in their own families before we make any difference in our communities.

We have slowly been marinating in an anti-family, anti- God culture and maybe the LORD is using the quarantining of healthy people, mandatory masks and other freedom stealers as an alarm bell to wake us from our slumber before it is too late. Satan was cast out of Heaven to where? Dont you think he is still up to no good? Wake Up People!