This week our students started using a catechism (questions/answers) during Morning Exercises as part of learning scriptural truths. Our purpose for this is to help students learn by heart 52 answers to 52 questions over a 3-year cycle, much like we do with our scripture memory, hymns and prayers. Year one teaches about God, Creation & Fall, Law. Year two teaches about Christ, Redemption, Grace. Year three teaches about the Holy Spirit, Restoration, Growing in Grace.

April 6th was question #37. How does the Holy Spirit help us? The answer is…The Holy Spirit convicts of sin, comforts us, guides us, gives us spiritual gifts and the desire of obey God; and he enables us to pray and to understand God’s Word.

If you would like to review these questions at home, they can be found at New City Catechism. The web app includes Bible verses that are a basis for the questions and answers. This powerful tool can be used at home as a helpful discussion point for teaching theological literacy and fostering a love for God.

A parent just told me that a catechism answer that her daughter learned here in kindergarten was the immediate answer she gave in a Highschool Biblical Studies Class. Her teacher was impressed, I think impart because so few people avail themselves anymore of the power of catechizing!