This past week Trustees of the Waterloo Regional District School Board (WRDSB) were listening to a presentation by a concerned teacher regarding the age appropriateness of specific elementary library books’ sexual content when they abruptly interrupted and discontinued the presentation based on alleged violations to the Ontario Human RightsCode. These early educational materials which counter biblical sexual norms are now the new norm and evidently some confused’ teachers working in the government educational system are not yet up to speed with this brave new world. Fortunately, all of this confusion ought to help clarify to the general public the current paradigm government schools are operating by where to even question such materials will get you censored from speaking and cloistered from possibly harming impressionable children.

The Bible states “God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him, male and female created he them.” – Genesis 1:27

It is my prayer that this recent take-down of Carolyn Burjoski will encourage more Christian parents of school aged children to seek out a biblical paradigm for the early childhood formation of their children which is rooted in the unchanging Word of God rather than the always changing but inherent word of man.