One of the scripture passages our students memorize is the Ten Commandments, Exodus 20:1-17. This year’s catechism section one, has questions that answer what the commandments require of us. This week students were learning the answer to: What does God require in the sixth, seventh, and eighth commandments?

Answer: Sixth, that we do not hurt, or hate, or behostile to our neighbour, but be patient and peaceful, pursuing even our enemies with love. Seventh, that we abstain from sexual immorality and live purely and faithfully, whether in marriage or in single life, avoiding all impure actions, looks, words, thoughts, or desires, and whatever might lead to them. Eighth, that we do not take without permission that which belongs to someone else, nor withhold any good from someone we might benefit.

The catechism questions we use come from The New City Catechism which can be accessed online if you would like to reinforce this material at home. A strong base of biblical knowledge can be acquired by our students as we consistently catechize them using such catechisms.

The righteousness that God requires of us should cause us to cry out “Unworthy!” because of how far we fall short. Fortunately, Jesus’s righteousness can be attributed to us through His unmerited favour. The Ten Commandments magnify who our Saviour is and all that he accomplished for his people on the cross.

Talk about the purpose of the Ten Commandments with your children, that they are not suggestions. Explain that without them we could be confused about why Jesus came the first time and why he is also coming again.