One of the ways children are conformed into the image of Jesus Christ is through the Word of God, the Bible. But how does that take place?

“Do you love the Word of God? Do you obey the Word of God? Do your children know that you love and obey the Word of God? Our attitude toward the authority and importance of the Scriptures will be the greatest influence on how our children view God’s Word. Your example in reading the Word, sharing what you have learned from the Word, and consistently obeying the Word, will do more to influence your children than anything your simply tell them about their need for scripture reading.”
Megan Scheibner

Despite the busyness of life, it is crucial for your children to see you reading, meditating, and memorizing God’s Word. One way of doing this is through family worship. Another way of doing this is to do your devotions or Bible reading when and where your children will see you. Another way is to talk with your children as much as you can about the Word of God. If your children can read, you could have them help you practice a passage you are memorizing or possibly better, memorize the same passages they are memorizing so you can do it as a family.

Reference the Word of God for why you do what you do, whether it is discipleship, discipline, financial expenditures or how you talk and act. Framing it in relation to obedience to the Word will demonstrate to your children that the Word Works.