In the school office we have a supply of bandages. A day rarely passes by when we have not adhered one to a finger, knee or elbow.

While introducing “Camp Wisen Up” our spring musical I shared how we used to use more bandages when the school was at First Baptist Church because of the predominance of asphalt where the children played. I then used the purpose of a bandage to illustrate the environment that the Christian Home, Christian Church and Christian Schooling should have on a child. I shared that the ravages of sin and broken relationships will always impact children but that the gospel brought to bear in each setting creates an environment where healing and restoration is most conducive. Parents can choose to have a gospel centered home.

Parents can choose to join themselves to a gospel centered church and parents can choose to send their children to a gospel centered school. The ongoing, life-changing work of Jesus is essential for healing and wholeness. I just wish fewer parents would stop ripping the Band-Aid off!