Who will you and your family serve this summer? Summer Break comes with its own set of unique challenges. Less structure often requires more intentionality. Socrates once said, “The unexamined life is not worth living.” By extension, the unexamined Summer Break is not worth living. I recommend intentional relationship building and formative practices that will deepen your love for God and others.

God built a Sabbath rest into the work week along with a yearly Sabbath rest every seven years, preparing His people for the year of Jubilee. So, God does want us to rest and be restored and I trust your families do that this summer.

More and more evidence of the harms and dangers to our souls and minds is amassing with regards to screen time, especially smart phone usage with young people, so if there was ever a time to take a Jubilee break from screentime, start this summer. Go for some walks, ride a bike, pick strawberries, weed a garden, play in the sprinkler, read a cookbook, a mystery and a biography, not necessarily in that order. Learn Chess, Checkers or Pickleball. Fly a kite, go for a swim, draw a cat, sleep out under the stars or just sit and relax as you enjoy the sunset.

Dear families, be intentional with your Summer Break but most importantly make the triune God the centre of it all so as to give thanks to whom thanks is due with greater and greater joy.

Thanks for the rewarding year!