The Season of Advent
Jesus and His two comings

Advent season is now upon us. This is a Western Church calendar celebration which many of our churches today no longer engage in. Advent means coming or arrival and for the church this coming refers to Christ’s coming 2000 years ago and His not yet second coming. Both comings are reasons for celebration and hope. In Bible prophesies often concerning Christ’s coming there are often 2 or more meanings. These multiple meanings confused many religious experts of the day who didn’t understand that in order for Jesus to fulfill His Father’s plans for Him He would first come as a suffering servant then later as a conquering King. We live between the two advents and so eagerly expect Jesus to return as conquering King. It would be good for your family to spend time discussing this two fold coming of Jesus and why it was necessary for Jesus to come in these ways. What sort of confusion resulted from Jesus’ first coming? Will there be confusion with how Jesus comes again.

Advent Prayer

Almighty Father, by the Advent of Whose Son into the world the Kingdom of Heaven is open to all who believe in Him: Grant us Thy Holy Spirit so that we may believe in Him with our whole heart, and so serve Him in our daily lives that when He cometh again to make up His jewels, we may, by Thy mercy be gathered into the Kingdom which abideth eternal in the Heavens; through Thy mercy, O our God, who livest and reignest One God, world without end. Amen.