This year our catechism questions will focus on Christ, Redemption, and Grace.

Question #25 asks:
Does Christ’s death mean all our sins can be forgiven?
Yes, because Christ’s death on the cross fully paid for our sin, God graciously imparts Christ’s
righteousness to us as if it were our own and will remember our sins no more.

II Corinthians 5:21 says,
“For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him.”

This soul staggering answer demarcates Christianity from all other false religions. In Christ we receive a completely foreign righteousness which we cannot work for or gain through any merit of our own. The gracious gift of faith and salvation, the impartation of a new heart and nature, are all a part of being new creatures in Christ and it is living out this new identity which propels our growth in virtue and wisdom. Ask your child(ren) why they or any person can be forgiven and if they don’t answer with their catechism answer, talk with them about how reconciliation with God requires atonement for sin plus imparted righteousness. A child of God has had their sins paid in full, and a lot, lot more!