“But if ye bite and devour one another, take heed that ye be not consumed one of another.”
Galatians 5:15

The context of this gruesome verse of scripture regards one of the dangers of walking in the lust of the flesh. So often we witness this cannibalism with one another through the use of words, in fact Christ’s flesh was torn apart in order to atone for our cannibalism. Did you know that the word ‘sarcasm’ literally means ‘to tear flesh’? Critical comments and sarcastic put-downs are part and parcel of worldly banter. Criticism and sarcasm eat up the recipients and consume once healthy relational bonds. As we walk in the flesh biting and eating one another comes naturally, that is why it is so common place and why we are not horrified and sickened as we should be by it. Instead, let us walk in the Spirit building up one another with edifying speech. If this isn’t par for the course in your house repent and start practicing and modelling speech that is kind, speech that is encouraging, speech that is marinated in love.

Ask one another how your words have made them feel, do they feel eaten up or built up? I know God hates the way we often talk to one another and even the watching world is confused by our rampant hypocrisy. How can we be known by our love if we keep cannibalizing each other with our communication? So, during this Thanksgiving, celebrate and be grateful by enjoying a delicious turkey, not each other!