As Verideia journeys through the 7 C’s of History, this month we focus on Christ. As I have explained to an ESL student from communist China, the year 2024 in and of itself screams the significance of the Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ not only divided Time with His first coming, He sustains and is working out His sovereign purposes now and into the future.

Christ came in the fulness of time to redeem a people unto Himself. That rebellious sinners could
be brought near to the Lord of Glory because of His work on the cross, is worthy justification for
History’s division between BC and AD.

“All history is incomprehensible without Christ.”
– Renan

“This is part of the glory of Christ as compared with the chiefest of His servants that He alone stands at the absolute center of humanity, the one completely harmonious man, unfolding all which was in humanity, equally and fully on all sides, the only one in whom the real and ideal met and were absolutely one. – He is the absolute and perfect truth, the highest that humanity can reach; at once its perfect image and supreme Lord.”
– French

We needed Christ, the second Adam, in order to live the life we couldn’t and to die the death we

Today’s Catechism question was: Why must the Redeemer be truly human? Answer: That in human nature He might on our behalf perfectly obey the whole law and suffer the punishment for human sin; and also, that He might sympathize with our weakness.

Christ is worth talking about every day and living for, for eternity.