Jesus Return

Return, dear Lord, to those who look
With eager eyes that yearn
For Thee among the garden flowers;
After the dark and lonely hours,
As morning light return.
Return to those who wander far,
With lamps that dimly burn,
Along the troubled road of thought,
Where doubt and conflict come unsought,
With inward joy return.
Return to those on whom the yoke
Of life is hard and stern;
Renew the hope within their breast,
Draw them to Thee and give them rest:
O Friend of Man, return.
Return to this war-weary world,
And help us all to learn
Thy secret of victorious life,
The love that triumphs over strife,
O Prince of Peace, return.
Jesus, we ask not now that day
When all men shall discern
Thy coming with angelic host;
Today, to all who need Thee most,
In silent ways, return!
– Henry van Dyke

Praise God that He made Christians to be temples of the Holy Spirit, but as our battle with the flesh and our pilgrimage through this sin sick land is ongoing, part of us cries, “Jesus, return!” So, pray for revival, for a broader reign of King Jesus, for the full and comprehensive reign of Jesus but let it first start in us when to King Jesus we return.