At FCS we teach Christ-like character through Character Call-Outs. Here is a partial list we teach at school. Please incorporate these at home for you and your child’s benefit.
You say…They say…
Self-Control… Doing something even when I don’t feel like it.
Compassion… Feeling the joys and hurts of others.
Responsible… Doing what I’ve been entrusted to do.
Wisdom… Living skillfully in the fear of the God.
Integrity… Doing what is right when no one is looking.
Patience… Waiting with a happy spirit.
Honesty… A commitment to truthful ways and words.
Obedience… Responding to authority with a happy spirit.
Discern… Able to see things as they really are.
Generosity… Sharing what I have without expecting something back.
Forgive… Releasing someone’s sin never to bring it up again.
Try reviewing these Character Call-Outs during your family worship times or after a family meal. See if you too can learn them all by heart.