Did you hear that we, the Ontario Tax payers, are paying the beleaguered public colleges and universities $1,300,000,000.00 to help stabilize their finances? Are these the same colleges that grant business degrees and universities that grant MBA’s?

Many believe that these post-secondary institutions are at a breaking point. We are told the main reason is due to the ongoing tuition freeze but are there other fundamental issues at play? Were we not told too few students are going into the general trades? Just how many students were denied admission to University and Colleges based on vaccine status? Wasn’t it government generated inflation that has made everything more expensive, and because of this are students thinking “What’s the point… it will be impossible to ever afford a home.”? Did you know the ROI (Return on Investment) for a university or college education is at an all-time low? Are people slowly waking up to the reality that colleges and universities, like their primary and secondary counterparts, are pagan indoctrination centers for ‘spirit of anti-Christ’ ideologies? Have universities and colleges lost the virtue they once aspired to and as a result are now impotent to foster flourishing in our society?

The word ‘uni’-versity has in its etymology the idea of ‘one’ like unicycle. The vast majority of universities were initially training centers in the Scriptures and Theology. Theology was considered the ‘Queen of the Sciences’ from which the other sciences derived their unity. As progressives shifted universities to multiversities they lost their foundation in reality and in truth, goodness and beauty. As a result, they cannot operate in the black because they prefer to operate in the DARK.