“We study in order to understand God’s good creation and the ways sin has distorted it so that, in Christ’s power, we may bring healing to persons and the created order and, as God’s image bearers, exercise responsible authority in our task of cultivating the creation to the end that all people and all things may joyfully acknowledge and serve their creator and true King.”
Does the above Verideia Calling seem irrelevant or outdated to you? To your child(ren)? If you have been brainwashed by progressive indoctrination you may think schooling is primarily for employment acquisition. If the misinformation of secular humanism has corrupted your world and life view you likely believe education is the pathway to getting ahead. If the disinformation of mainstream media has trained you in their virtues, you may have the perspective that diligent study will someday result in getting others to serve you. The reality is that the world’s calling will have you ultimately serving the Prince of Darkness instead of King Jesus, so be very careful what calling you pursue.
Apart from special revelation (God’s Word), we would have remained in the dark about our true purpose and calling, so thank God in His love and mercy He revealed to us our high calling in Christ Jesus our Lord. Talk with your children about their high calling in Christ. It starts with, “There is a God and it’s not me.”