There are many belief systems where man’s “word” supersedes God’s WORD. Commonly in our Western culture man’s thinking operates above and apart from God’s thinking as the dominant world/life view. Understanding the religions of secular humanism are important given our time and place in history. Examples of some of these religions are Atheism, Materialism, Naturalism, Relativism, Communism, and Scientism. The fact that secular belief systems oppose other religious claims inherently establishes their own religiosity. An interesting aspect of most secular religions is that they have irrationally borrowed foundational principles from Christian/Theistic religions. Three of these borrowed foundational elements are: 1) Absolute Morality, 2) Laws of Logic, and 3) Uniformity of Nature.

To start, if we look at absolute morality which is only justified by a moral law giver, we quickly see that people who espouse Humanistic religions operate practically as if there does exist moral absolutes even when their worldview has no basis for them. Humanistic beliefs can claim preferences, however when preferences clash, it becomes “might makes right”.

I am grateful to God that many Secular Humanists function as if morality is more than a preference, while I am saddened when Christians function like they are just a preference.