At 11:00 AM on November 11th VCCA students listened to “Last Post” followed by “Reveille.” We prayed, children sang “O God Our Help,” “Abide with Me” and then placed their poppies on a cross. We participate in this simple ceremony each year to remind us of the weighty cost of wars and conflict brought about by sins of greed and the coveting of power and control. Though historians will differ as to the real motives of wars, we can be confident that the schemes of the satanic realm leveraging the wickedness of human hearts are sovereignly used by God for His perfect plan. Jesus’ messianic role to defeat sin and death and His promised future judgment of all fallen angels and unrepentant peoples is our only ultimate hope for a future heaven and earth void of wars and thus full of peace because perfect justice has been applied.
Much is made regarding the unrest in this world with ongoing wars and the potential for World War III. None of this should surprise us as Jesus told us as much. What should surprise us is that the masses are still looking for the solution in all the wrong places. Only by looking to Jesus will there ever be ultimate peace and, as of yet, man has not learned this lesson.
At VCCA we point students to Jesus as the only One who can provide peace between them and God and we remind them as well that Jesus is the only One who can bring about peace between man and man. If you or your children lack peace, talk about why that would be, but rest assured the remedy is found in a person, the Prince of Peace Himself.