As I enjoyed watching two squirrels eating berries from the leafless tree next to our snow-covered sandbox, I contemplated why students had carefully decorated their nearby snow forts with sticks, twigs, pylons and random pieces of coloured plastic, scavenged from broken sleds and old sand toys. The squirrels hadn’t decorated their homes, nor the wild turkeys, nor the groundhogs, nor the chipmunks; however, in amongst the tractor tires our students had decorated their little snow forts with panache.
Being made in God’s image, VCCA students naturally beautify snow forts. Squirrels on the other hand, not being made in God’s image, are satisfied with a full stomach and a warm nest. We want our warm nests to have matching throw pillows!
Why do I bring up these fun facts, these random observations? The contrast between squirrels and children strongly supports a Christian world and life view, as opposed to the more popular materialistic Darwinian worldview. Loving what is beautiful testifies to how God made us and for what end He has. made us. Darwinian evolutionists do have theories why children would decorate their snow forts but these theories are far less compelling.
Transitioning to warmer thoughts, while summering at a Lake Huron cottage growing up, I observed and experienced the natural human appreciation and awe for evening sunsets. While time slowed down for us images bearers taking in the last rays, not so much for the chipmunks, groundhogs and squirrels. The appreciative recognition of beauty is part of our Maker’s good design. Next time you stop to take in the beauty of a sunset, count how many animals stop to do the same.
“In all ranks of life the human heart yearns for the beautiful; and the beautiful things that God makes are His gift to all alike.”
– H.B. Stowe