The Cat and the Birds

A cat heard that the birds in an aviary were ailing. So, he got himself up as a doctor, and taking with him a set of the instruments proper to his profession, presented himself at the door, and inquired after the health of the birds. “We shall do very well,” they replied, without letting him in, “when we’ve seen the last of you.”
– Aesop

A villain may disguise himself, but he will not deceive the wise.

Our conniving cat desiring a feast of ailing birds is a simple picture of our adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour. (1Peter 5:8b) The birds in this fable were protected by applying wisdom to discern a predator masquerading as a good physician, a trusted health care provider. Now where have we seen this play out before?

To preemptively protect our little birds, we must work together to foster in them wisdom, biblical wisdom to discern evil regardless of its form. Satan can come as an angel of light, government programs, reproductive rights, medical assistance in dying, empathy, and a very popular one, love is love.

Each week the school says the VCCA Declaration which states, “Our growth in virtue and wisdom is of God’s grace and through the outworking of the Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit.”

Talk with your families about the many disguises Satan uses, and how we can spot when it is, in fact, the roaring lion, remembering ultimately that our protection from the evil one will be of God’s grace and through the outworking of the Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit.