Ontario Premiere Doug Ford’s bombastic wardrobe rebuttal of U.S. tariffs and jocular ‘51st State’ dinner talk, raises important geo-political questions.

Jesus created the earth and is our maker and sustainer. The Lord ordained Nation States to defend their people and boarders while administering the sword for the punishment of law breakers. Imagine if Canada abdicated its National Security to its southern neighbours and turned a blind eye to law breaking and moreover started to celebrate actions once considered immoral and illegal? Then technically wouldn’t Canada have already sold herself to the Devil? And if Canada is in the Devil’s possession, then isn’t Donald J. Trump probably talking to the wrong person?

Strictly a geographic region, a population of people, or is Canada both? You can morally sell land but most frown on selling people. But could a case be made about selling people, given the government debt responsibility each Canadian technically is responsible to pay? In that inconvenient light someone already owns us and if the U.S. happened to purchased that credit line, wouldn’t they then own our future individual earning capacity
anyways? Dr. Aaron Rock shared on his podcast a path out of government debt by way of selling Crown Land. Sounds like a good idea to me.

Personally, I think all this bluster and hyped-up concern about CANADA IS NOT FOR SALE is just subterfuge trying to hide the stark reality that Canada was bought and sold long ago. By keeping up the mirage that we are ‘free’ it tends to be easier to control the masses rather than face the music that the masses are slaves of debt and we are all slaves of sin apart from Christ. Talk with your children about the different forms of slavery focusing on the one we are all born into.