As a Sportsman ranged the fields with his gun, attended by an experienced old Spaniel, he happened to spring a Snipe (a type of bird); and, nearly at the same instant, a covey of Partridges. Surprised at the accident, and divided his aim, he fired too indiscriminately, and by this means missed both. Ah, my good Master, said the Spaniel, you should never have two aims at once. Had you not been dazzled and seduced by the extravagant hope of bringing down a Partridge, you would most probably have secured your Snipe.
– Aesop
We often miss our point by dividing our attention.
Work is the virtue this month and as the above fable reminds us, focus is often the difference maker. How many times a day is my attention divided? When we contemplate how all our work is unto the Lord as a means of worship it should undo us when our work is compromised when dazzled and seduced. Usually, we are dazzled and seduced by good things which divide our attention from the needful things which should comprise our work. To fulfill the Dominion Mandate requires attention.
Attention makes the genius; all learning, fancy, science, and skill depend upon it. – Newton traced his great discoveries to it. – It builds bridges, opens new worlds, heals diseases, carries on the business of the world. – Without it taste is useless, and the beauties of literature unobserved.
– Willmott
When work is our worship, we will desire to do it with focused attention.